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Java Users Group

April 2002 Meeting Information

April 9, 2002
No Meeting

Please note there will be no April meeting.

I am unable to facilitate this month's meeting, and no one was available to "pinch-hit." Therefore, we will take a short break this month and resume on May 14 with part 2 of the JTable presentation. Don't forget that TCF 2002 will be held on May 4-5, 2002 at the New Jersey Convention Center in Edison, New Jersey. I will once again be making my C++ and Java presentations on Saturday and Sunday mornings, respectively.

Hope to see y'all at TCF 2002!

Meetings are held every second Tuesday of the month at the Scotch Plains Rescue Squad second floor meeting hall starting promptly at 7:30pm. Meetings are open to the public, and visitors are encouraged to join ACGNJ.

SIG Leader Mike Redlich
Phone: (908) 246-0410