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October 2007 Meeting Information

October 9, 2007
Exploring Ajax Frameworks for Eclipse: RAP & ATF

First, here�s the hype:

When you create an AJAX-enabled Web site, it helps to use a good IDE. Eclipse has two AJAX frameworks: RAP (Rich AJAX Platform) and ATF (AJAX Toolkit Framework). Both help you to create AJAX-enabled Web pages by leveraging common third-party AJAX APIs, like Dojo, Prototype and Scriptaculus. In this presentation, Barry will demonstrate the creation of rich, interactive Web pages using the RAP and ATF frameworks. He will compare the two frameworks and discuss their applicability to several AJAX APIs.

Now, here�s the truth:

At this month�s meeting, Barry will show you a first draft of the above presentation. The final presentation can be seen at EclipseWorld in November.

Barry Burd is a professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. When he's not lecturing at Drew University, Dr. Burd leads training courses for professional programmers in business and industry. He has lectured at conferences in America, Europe, Australia and Asia. He is the author of several articles and books, including Java 2 For Dummies and Eclipse For Dummies, both published by Wiley.

Meetings are held every second Tuesday of the month at the Scotch Plains Rescue Squad second floor meeting hall starting promptly at 7:30pm. Meetings are open to the public, and visitors are encouraged to join ACGNJ.

SIG Leader Mike Redlich
Phone: (908) 246-0410