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Java Users Group

June 2011 Meeting Information


June 14, 2011
Latest Work with iScript & iBuild

Manny Goyenechea will be presenting by latest work on iScript and iBuild. iScript is an open source dynamically weakly duck typed, shared memory-based concurrent, class-based object-oriented interpreted structured imperative general purpose scripting programming language supporting first-class high-order functions that seamless interoperates with Java and combines the best of numerous other scripting languages. iScript is also a simple, yet powerful template based markup language and preprocessor that can be used to generate source code, object-relational (OR) mappings, XML, HTML and other dynamic, data and meta-data driven content from simple templates and scripts. iBuild is an integrated development environment (IDE) for building iScript applications. iBuild includes a solution manager, code editor, source-level debugger and integrated help.

Manny will demonstrate how to easily build iScript solutions using iBuild and solicit input on future direction, development and use of iScript and iBuild.

Meetings are held every second Tuesday of the month at the Scotch Plains Rescue Squad second floor meeting hall starting promptly at 7:30pm. Meetings are open to the public, and visitors are encouraged to join ACGNJ.

SIG Leader Mike Redlich
Phone: (908) 246-0410